Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday Day 3 of Recovery

Friday was a little bit better than Thursday was as far as recovery goes. Mom still didn't have much of an appetite, but she tried her hardest to east a least a little something at every meal. The good thing is that she can eat anything that she wants and can order any time of day. So if she doesn't feel like eating lunch at 12 noon, she can wait until 4 pm if she wants.

Her daily goals for each day is to walk around the second floor of the hospital at least 4 times a day. It adds up to about 400 ft each lap. She is getting better and better at it and I know it's tough getting out of bed. Her other daily goal is to continue her breathing treatments every hour. The breathing treatments are designed to help her expand her lungs as much as possible so that she can breath properly and take in more oxygen. It also helps her get rid of all the fluid in her chest cavity. Unfortunately this is one thing she does not really care for because it's annoying. Especially since it is suppose to be done every hour.

She is also working with the respitory therapist to help clear up all the fluid in her chest. She still has the tube in her chest that is collecting all the fluid drainage. Hopefully by Sunday they will be able to remove it. This is the source of most of her discomfort in bed. It pokes her constantly and there really isn't much else she can do.

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